Nobody likes mold. It's virtually everywhere, it causes health problems, and it's tough to remove. Thankfully, mold testing Oakland CA has made life easier for many residents. Before you can get rid of mold, you have to know how much mold you have in your house.
The problem with mold is that it doesn't stop growing until someone kills all of it. That means that if you want to kill the mold in your house, you need to know where to start and how to find all of it. Mold testing is a great first step. Let's take a closer look at what you need to know about mold.
How to Tell if You Have Mold
How do you know if you have mold in your house? First, ask yourself about weather and humidity. Have you noticed a lot of humidity lately? What about rain? Mold thrives in dampness. Most of your house may be dry, but chances are that your basement and crawlspace aren't. Once mold enters those places, your HVAC system can carry it to the rest of the house. Speaking of basements and crawlspaces, go ahead and check them if you're feeling brave. If you have mold in one of those places, then you probably also have mold in your attic and other parts of the home.

Mold Testing Berkeley
Keep an eye out for health problems, too. If anyone in your family has allergies or asthma, those problems can get worse when your home has mold. If anyone in your house has had breathing problems recently, especially outside of regular allergy season, you may have mold.
Finally, remember that mold hides. A quick glance isn't always enough to tell whether or not your home has mold. Mold prefers dark places, which means that it's not always easy to see. If you want to know for sure, you have options for mold testing in Oakland CA.
We should also mention that in addition to 'regular' Mold Testing we also do "Mold Clearance Testing" in Oakland and the surrounding regions.
Once a mold remediation project is finished, but before taking away all the containment equipment and air-scrubbers, a Mold Clearance Testing or Post-remediation Verification should be undertaken. This is a type of mold test ensures that the remediation followed the correct industry standards. The Mold Clearance Test includes a visual examination of the treated area, odor identification and a repetition of the same mold test with a detailed report of the results.
What to Do if You Have Mold
If you do have mold, you've got a few options. Your next actions will depend on how much mold your home has. For smaller mold problems, you may be able to take care of the problem yourself. However, only take this step if you know that you're not allergic to mold and don't have any other health problems. Protect yourself with gloves and a surgical mask while you clean. Make sure that you use a mold-specific cleaner. Bleach on its own isn't enough to get rid of mold. Bleach will change the mold's color, which makes people think that they've removed mold. However, bleach doesn't kill mold completely. Thankfully, lots of household cleaning products can tackle mold, so make sure you choose a product that mentions mold on the label.

Mold Testing San Leandro
If you have a major mold problem, then you'll want a professional mold-removing service. These services are both safe and effective, and they can provide peace of mind.
How do you know which option to choose? Start by getting your home tested. If you choose unbiased mold testing in Oakland CA, you can get advice about how to handle your home's mold. Choose a mold testing company that does not also offer remediation. Otherwise, your mold tester may try to sell you services that you don't need.
Once you get your home tested for mold, you can take your health into your own hands. When you know your home's mold status, you're on your way to a cleaner, safer home for yourself and your family.
In addition to Mold Testing and Indoor Air Quality Testing in the Oakland region, we also offer our services in the following nearby cities: Fremont, Hayward, Berkeley, San Leandro, Alameda, Livermore, Pleasanton, Union City, Dublin and Tracy.